Saturday, April 13, 2013

In Search of the Aurora Borealis

It should have happened.  The sky was clear of clouds, the moon a mere crescent, those few stars The Big Dipper to be exact, shone dimly, but for read.

The aurora was supposed to show between 8 pm and dawn. 

We set out, the girls and I, to find that elusive dark place with little ambient light where we could catch a glimpse of the aurora.  Than rare natural wonder, low in the sky for once, so that people in paltry New Jersey could witness such splendor.

Only there is darkness here, but no place to pull over a car!  There are streets, there are lights everywhere, there are church yards and factories and parks that are guarded by gates.  There are three women, intent on finding someplace to witness the lights…to no avail.

If there were clouds at least, I’d write it off.  I’d merely shrug and say, “Oh, well, it was not to be.”  I have a friend who has traveled to Iceland twice in order to witness the aurora.  Both times, she did not see it.

Makes me think of all the times I’ve been to Niagara Falls to see those colorful lights. I have yet to see them, too.

Ill-fated me.

I do intend to go out on our back porch later tonight and hope the lights are bright enough to shine over my little house.  I think I owe it to myself.

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