Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A thought

Someone (Lisa Verge Higgins) just posted a quote from JM Barrie's Peter was remembered by a literary agent I have met, but that means nothing. It's the quote that's important.

The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.

Now, if you remember anything about Peter Pan, whether it is Mary Martin winging around the nursery room or the animated Disney guy or any of the other versions of Peter (we will discount that horrible live version with Christopher Walken as Hook) you know that Peter is getting the Darling children to fly with him to Neverland. He has Tinkerbelle reluctantly sprinkle them with pixie dust and they think lovely thoughts and up they whoosh!

It would be pretty terrific to be able to fly, except if one happened to be acrophobic. But let's just assume one is NOT acrophobic.

Flying free, able to go anywhere under one's own power, above the crowds, beyond the rainbow or Big Ben, to a wonderful place where there are Indians and pirates and lost boys and mermaids and underground houses to keep one safe from crocodiles and nasty pirates! Yeah

However, there really isn't a Neverland, except the ones we create in our minds and transfer to the pages of a book. Our story. Our book. Our Neverland.

And the very moment we think we can't fly, we drop like stones.

I can fly. At this moment, I don't particularly feel like flying, but I still believe I can and I will, when I want to.
The trick is never stopping to believe.

(I think Journey had a song about this.)